14 August 2000


(Click previews for a larger, color image)


(Special Note:  These were taken with an analog camera earlier in my trip.  I just now got access to a scanner and was able to put these pictures on my web site.  These pictures chronicle my Mt. Fuji climb and some things around Kamogawa).


A view of the Kameda Clinic from a nearby railroad bridge.

This is the Mount Fuji climb collection.  They are in random order, since the pictures original order was messed up when I got the pictures back from the developers.

This was taken at the last station, as far as I got.  Completely exhausted, I had this picture taken.  I love the view in the picture.  No land is in sight.

Other climbers make their way up behind our group.

The sheer height of this mountain is well illustrated in this photo.

I like this one.  You can see both green lands below and some snow. 

This picture was taken pretty high up on the mountain.  The stations below are visible.

Another shot illustrating how far up we had climbed.

I think this was the last smile I was able to make for the camera.

They say you should have liquids and sugar to help the trip along.  Coke seemed to be a good solution.  Alas, when you are slightly hung over, nothing is going to prove to be ambrosia.

I gave Matt Swanson my camera and continued moving.  He snapped this one below me.

This was taken pretty early in the climb.  Nonetheless, you can see how small the people look at the stations below.

Here we are just breaking through the clouds. 

I liked the color contrasts of the two parts of the mountain here.

Looking down the mountain reminds you how far you have come, which makes the climb a little more bearable.

These ropes were up much of the mountain path.  Again, you can see the elevation based on the relative placement of the clouds.

Todd Swanson moves ahead of the pack on the mountain.

The problem with photography on the mountain is that you can’t really do the scenery any justice.  Every time I turned around, there was a scene that blew me away.

Snow on the mountain on July 1.  I didn’t put my jacket on until we reached the last station, but it was pretty cold near the top of the mountain.

There’s nothing like posing for a picture with the clouds behind you.

Here is a picture of the Swanson clan, my companions for my ascent of Mount Fuji.

From left to right, Jon Collings, Todd Swanson, John Wocher, and Dan Davis.

I had heard tales of wild monkeys living in the woods near Kameda.  Todd Swanson never saw them.  However, the first time I went out with Mr. Wocher, we saw several monkeys.  I took a few pictures of them.  Since monkeys are inherently funny, I thought everyone would like them.

Close-up of the first monkey picture.

My second monkey picture.

Close-up of monkey picture the second.

The third monkey picture.

Close-up of my third monkey picture.

After we saw the monkeys, we walked by this temple.  It’s on top of a hill on the edge of Kamogawa.

The remaining pictures were taken with the digital camera. 


John Wocher, showing off a creature of his creation.  This foul creature reminds me of one of one of my favorite Red Meat comics.  Click here if you need a slightly twisted source of laughter.

This gigantic stuffed cat was in the garbage heap.  Jon Collings put it in front of my door.  I retaliated by placing it by his door.  After that act was completed and his reaction received, we decided it would look better with two empty three-liter beers in his paws.

Here I am posing with our alcoholic friend.