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Dan's Adventure in Japan

So what is this all about?

I am a Master of Health Administration student at The University of Iowa. I am currently doing a summer internship at Kameda Medical Center in Kamogawa City, Japan. This page will contain a log of my experiences and observations during my two and a half month stay at Kameda. I will update it as frequently as I can.

Dan's Japan Image Gallery

A time converter. What time is it in Japan?

A currency converter

Want to forget your evening? Try sake!

Map of Japan--I live in Kanto in Chiba, across from Tokyo

Japan Times--English Language Newspaper

Swanson Family Site - Todd Swanson works at Kameda

Kameda Medical Center Web Page (English)

City of Kamogawa Web Page

University of Iowa - Health Management

Dan with plastic food

Dan presenting plastic food, a staple of Japanese restaurants.

Disclaimer: The opinions on this page are solely those of the author. They are not reflective of the opinions of Kameda Medical Center or The University of Iowa. Parties should feel free to request the removal of information they do not wish to have publicized.