Full name: Daniel Christopher Davis Born: 4 October 1976 Education: 1998 BA (hons) Economics, University of Iowa 2001 MHA Health Management and Policy, University of Iowa I plan to attend law school in 2001 and become an intellectual property lawyer Computers: Power Mac G4/400 Mhz 128 MB RAM Desktop Dell Celeron 433 Mhz 128 MB RAM Desktop IBM ThinkPad Celeron 466 Mhz 96 MB RAM Mac IIsi 33 Mhz 68020 Mac 512k Favorites: Movie: Either Pulp Fiction or Scarface TV: The Simpsons Football: Green Bay Packers Food: Tacos Music: Metallica Book: For Whom the Bell Tolls American Things I Miss Most: Taco Bell Pizza The History Channel Frequently Asked Questions: Q. What's the deal with the gray hair? A. I am genetically flawed. I have had gray hair since I was 12. It got really serious around age 21. Q. Why are you in Japan? A. My preceptor visited Iowa City last year and did a darn fine job of selling this internship. I focused my efforts on coming to Japan rather early on. There was good word of mouth on this internship, so I was happy to come over here for two and a half months. Q. What will you NOT miss about Japan? A. Low ceilings, "Japanese sized" things, poor television programming, and the absence of the English language (Japanese is a hard language!) Q. What will you miss about Japan? A. I will mostly miss the friendly people. Many people have been exceptionally kind to me during my time in Japan. Along the same lines, I will miss the social times as well, particularly the times I was able to go out with the lab people. The food and drink in Japan is also excellent and will be sorely missed. Most of all, however, I will miss my working environment and the fun times I had working at Kameda. There are probably a ton of little things I will miss that I can't think of right now (my final hours in Japan) but those will become more evident in the next few days. |